Kniegesundheitspaket für das neue Jahr
Dämpfen Knieprobleme Ihre Stimmung und schränken Sie Ihren aktiven Lebensstil ein?
Verabschieden Sie sich von Beschwerden und begrüßen Sie ein stärkeres, gesünderes Leben mit unserem exklusiven Neujahrspaket für die Kniegesundheit.
Lassen Sie sich nicht länger von Knieproblemen aufhalten – investieren Sie zu Beginn des neuen Jahres in Ihre Gesundheit und Ihr Wohlbefinden. Unser sorgfältig zusammengestelltes Paket soll Sie mit den Werkzeugen ausstatten, die Sie zur Stärkung und zum Schutz Ihrer Knie benötigen, damit Sie das Leben mit neuem Elan angehen können.
Hauptvorteile unseres Kniegesundheitspakets:
- Stärken und stärken Sie Ihre Knie für mehr Widerstandsfähigkeit.
- Gewinnen Sie die Freiheit zurück, sich zu bewegen, Sport zu treiben und das Leben in vollen Zügen zu genießen.
- Verabschieden Sie sich von Kniebeschwerden und begrüßen Sie einen schmerzfreien, aktiven Lebensstil.
Investieren Sie in Ihr Wohlbefinden und starten Sie positiv in das neue Jahr. Verabschieden Sie sich von Kniebeschwerden und begrüßen Sie ein stärkeres, gesünderes Ich!
Lassen Sie sich das nicht entgehen – bestellen Sie noch heute Ihr Ultimate Knee Health Neujahrspaket.
- 90 Day Knee Program
- 1 Versa Tib Bar
- 1 Pair Of SquatWedgiez DUO
- 90 day program, plus your own training app
- Increase muscle activation in the lower body with less weight
- Strengthen your knees
- Reduce back pain in squats
- Stretch tight calves
- Build stronger glutes
- Reduce shin splints & foot pain

What Comes In the Bundle?

We have combined the latest scientific research with our extensive experience to provide you with two effective routines to prevent back and knee pain.
Each workout is designed to be done at a home gym or commercial gym.
And here is the best part, your plan is conveniently delivered to your phone via TrainHeroic, a top-rated training app.
With TrainHeroic, you can easily:
1. Record the number of sets and reps for each exercise
2. Learn proper exercise form with video tutorials for every movement
3. Instantly message your coach using the app's built-in messenger
4. Keep track of your rest intervals and interval circuits with the app's built-in timers.
So whether your goal is to overcome pain or play with your children, our workout plan can help you achieve your fitness goals.

The tib bar is the secret weapon for strengthening the muscles surrounding your knees, helping to prevent common issues like runner's knee and shin splints.
Designed with a focus on comfort and effectiveness, this bar allows you to perform controlled, targeted exercises that specifically target the tibialis anterior muscle, quadriceps, and hip flexors. These muscles are vital for knee support.
Include the Versa Tib Bar in your daily routine to fortify your knees and protect them from everyday wear and tear.

Our portable squat wedges are the perfect addition to your gym routine.
Their lightweight design allows you to bring them anywhere.
Plus, the solo wedges allow you to do wide stancem toes out squats.
Crafted with ergonomic precision, these wedges are designed to fit seamlessly under your whole foot, encouraging a deeper squat, better balance, and less tension on the knees.
Take your leg workouts to new heights and build strong, resilient knees without the risk of back pain.
We have combined the latest scientific research with our extensive experience to provide you with two effective routines to prevent back and knee pain.
Each workout is designed to be done at a home gym or commercial gym.
And here is the best part, your plan is conveniently delivered to your phone via TrainHeroic, a top-rated training app.
With TrainHeroic, you can easily:
1. Record the number of sets and reps for each exercise
2. Learn proper exercise form with video tutorials for every movement
3. Instantly message your coach using the app's built-in messenger
4. Keep track of your rest intervals and interval circuits with the app's built-in timers.
So whether your goal is to overcome pain or play with your children, our workout plan can help you achieve your fitness goals.
The tib bar is the secret weapon for strengthening the muscles surrounding your knees, helping to prevent common issues like runner's knee and shin splints.
Designed with a focus on comfort and effectiveness, this bar allows you to perform controlled, targeted exercises that specifically target the tibialis anterior muscle, quadriceps, and hip flexors. These muscles are vital for knee support.
Include the Versa Tib Bar in your daily routine to fortify your knees and protect them from everyday wear and tear.
Our portable squat wedges are the perfect addition to your gym routine.
Their lightweight design allows you to bring them anywhere.
Plus, the solo wedges allow you to do wide stancem toes out squats.
Crafted with ergonomic precision, these wedges are designed to fit seamlessly under your whole foot, encouraging a deeper squat, better balance, and less tension on the knees.
Take your leg workouts to new heights and build strong, resilient knees without the risk of back pain.

Questions we get from customers before and after their purchase.
1. What size weight plates does the Versa Tib Bar Use?
Two inch diameter weight plates.
2. How long do I get the program for?
You receive 1 year of access to the program and training app on TrainHeroic.
3. What equipment do I need for the program?
You will receive two different programs.
One will use equipment found in a commercial gym like barbells, cable towers and resistance training machines.
Whereas the second one will use squat wedges, slant boards, dumbbells and barbells.