Your Knees NEED Protein! - Squat Wedgiez
knee pain

Ihre Knie BRAUCHEN Protein!

Sind Sie bereit, den unglaublichen Zusammenhang zwischen Protein, Kniegesundheit und Muskelaufbau zu entdecken?

backpainWhy Using Squat Wedges Can Transform Your Squat Game

Why Using Squat Wedges Can Transform Your Squat Game

Squatting is one of the fundamental movements in any fitness routine (and life!), yet achieving an efficient squat can be a challenge for many.  Enter wedges—a simple and often overlooked tool tha...

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Enhancing Soldier Performance and Resilience: Insights from a Groundbreaking Study with 1-91 CAV, 173rd IBCT

As the founder of SquatWedgiez, my passion for enhancing human performance through innovative fitness solutions has driven our mission from day one. The recent completion of a groundbreaking 12-wee...

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Why Your Back & Knees Need Heel Elevated Squats

The barbell squat, a cornerstone of strength training, has long been the subject of intense debate regarding the impact of heel elevation. Some swear by it, others remain skeptical, and some get an...

knee painThe Five Best Slant Board Exercises to Start With - Squat Wedgiez

Die fünf besten Slant-Board-Übungen für den Anfang

Im Video unten erfahren Sie, wie Sie fünf anfängerfreundliche Knieübungen durchführen, die nicht nur zur Stärkung Ihrer Knie beitragen, sondern auch die allgemeine Gesundheit und Beweglichkeit d...